How to Configure Google SSO for Jotform Enterprise

August 14, 2023

You can set up your Jotform Enterprise server to use Google single sign-on (SSO). To get started you need to enable Single Sign-On in your Jotform Enterprise server. You also need a Google account with Super Admin permissions.

Configuring Google SAML SSO

To integrate Google SAML SSO with Jotform, do the following steps:

  1. Log in to your Google Admin Console.
  2. Expand Apps on the left then select Web and mobile apps.
  3. Click on Add app then choose Add custom SAML app from the menu.
  1. Next, provide an App name then click on Continue.
  1. Next, copy your SAML app’s details.

The following details from your Google SAML app will be used to configure the Identity Provider Metadata settings in your Jotform Enterprise server:

  • Entity ID
  • Certificate
  1. Now, open your Jotform SSO settings page in a new tab and enter the details in the Identity Provider Metadata fields.

The value to use for each field is as follows:

  • Entity ID — Use your Google SAML Entity ID.
  • SSO URL — Use your Google SAML SSO URL.
  • Certificate — Use your Google SAML Certificate.
  1. Go back to the Google Identity Provider details page and click the Continue button.
  2. Next, provide your Service Provider Metadata links in the following fields:
  • ACS URL — Use your Jotform Assertion Consumer Service URL
  • Entity ID — Use your Jotform Entity ID

Note: The default Name ID is the primary email; multi-value input is not supported.

  1. Click on the Continue button.
  2. On the Attribute mapping page, click Add Mapping to map additional attributes.
  3. Click on the Finish button to complete the configuration.
  1. Open the User access page and turn on the service for your users (i.e., groups, organizational units, or everyone).
  1. Finally, go back to your Jotform SSO settings page and save your configuration.
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