How to Send Submission Data via a POST Request

July 12, 2024

When a form filler submits an entry, you can configure your form to send the data via an HTTP POST request to your server, a custom thank-you page, or a third-party service.

To send submission data via an HTTP POST request

  1. In the Form Builder, go to Settings at the top.
  2. Select Thank You Page on the left.
Steps to access Thank You page settings in Jotform
  1. Select Redirect to an external link after submission.
  2. Enter your desired endpoint or destination URL.
  3. Turn on Redirect with HTTP POST.
Steps to enable Redirect with HTTP POST in Jotform Form Builder

Once configured, your form will send the data via a POST request and redirect the form filler to the destination URL after submission. You can now process the POST data from there however you like. For example, you can show a personilized message or save the data to your MySQL database using PHP.

See also: How to Send Submission Data via a Webhook.

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