How to Share Jotform Apps

July 15, 2024

You can share the apps you created with Jotform Apps in multiple ways. You can share the app via a direct link or email or by downloading a QR code for Kiosk sharing or embedding. You can also share your app directly on social media.

Sharing Jotform Apps

You can start sharing your Jotform apps by going to the Publish tab of the Jotform App Builder. You have three choices, as highlighted in the image below:

  • Your App Link — You can copy the App’s URL for manual sharing through other platforms.
  • Invite By Email — Invite people through email.
  • Share App — You can share your form with social media sites or download a QR code.
Publish tab of the Jotform App Builder showing the App Link, Invite By Email, and Share App options

Share by Email

Enter the recipient’s email address and click the Send Invitation button. You can invite multiple users, but we recommend only inviting up to 10 users simultaneously.

Invite by Email box in the Jotform App Builder

The invited users will receive an email with a button to open the app.

How to Share Jotform Apps Image-1

Share App on Social Media

Click the View More link through the Share App section to start sharing your app to Facebook, WhatsApp, X, and Linkedin.

Social Media options in the Publish section of the Jotform App Builder

Download QR Code

Another alternative for publishing the app is a QR code. You can download the QR code for your app and share it with your users through a custom email or other channels such as chat or social media. You can also copy the embed code to display the QR code on your website.

When users scan the QR code, the app will open on their device. Ensure you set the appropriate access level for users through the app link settings before downloading or copying the QR code to share.

Share with QR Code window in the Publish tab of the Jotform App Builder with the buttons to Download and Copy Code

Changing Access Settings of the Jotform App

There are Three (3) access settings to choose from for your app link: Public, Private, and Company Access. Click Settings to the right of the App Link to change the access type.

Public Access

By default, the newly created apps are public, which means users can view the app without logging in or signing up for a Jotform account.

Under Options for Public Access, you’ll find the following options:

  • Require registration — When checked, users must register an account with Jotform to view the app. This option doesn’t automatically add the user as an invitee.
  • Allow users to access their submissions through the app — When checked, users can access their submissions through. A Jotform account is required to access submissions.
Public Access settings of the App in the Jotform App Builder

Private Access

If you choose Private Access, users must log in to Jotform or sign up for an account to access the app. They can’t view the app without an account, regardless of whether you send them an invite or have access to the app’s direct URL. The Share Link of a Private app also contains a unique key that automatically adds the user as an invitee to the app.

Under Options for Private Access, you’ll find the following options:

  • Require registration — Registration is mandatory for Private apps.
  • Allow users to access their submissions — The system checks this option for Private apps by default. It allows users to access their submissions at any time through the app.
  • Set a custom expiration date for Share Link — Check this option to set an expiry for the Share Link of the Private app. Once the date and time pass, users can no longer access the app. They’ll get a prompt, shown in the image below, to request access to the app.
Private Access settings of the App in the Jotform App Builder
How to Share Jotform Apps Image-2

Company Access

For Company Access apps, users must log in or sign up using their company or organization’s email address, as set in the settings. When SSO is required, the system will oblige the users to log in with the company’s SSO provider.

Under Options for Company Access, you’ll find the following options:

  • Set a custom expiration date for Share Link — Check this option to set an expiration date and time for the app’s Share Link. When the date and time pass, the company or organization member has to request access to regain access, and you, as the app creator, will have to grant the request before users can view the app.
Company Access settings of the App in the Jotform App Builder


The Require SSO option for the Company Access App is available for Enterprise Jotform only.

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