How to Send Forms in Jotform Tables

June 28, 2024

The Send Form action button allows you to send different forms to your users directly from Jotform Tables. With this feature, you can email your form prepopulated with submission data. This can be useful for follow-ups or further contact with your form users.

To use the Send Form action button

  1. In Jotform Tables, add or insert a new column. See How to Add and Organize Columns for more information.
The Add column button in Jotform Tables
  1. In the dialog, go to Buttons at the top, then select Send Form.
Steps to add a Send Form action button in Jotform Tables
  1. Enter your desired column name.
Steps to add a Send Form action button in Jotform Tables
  1. Choose the form to send.
Steps to add a Send Form action button in Jotform Tables
  1. Optionally, map the submission data to send with the form.
Steps to add a Send Form action button in Jotform Tables
  1. Enter your desired recipients or select Fields on the left to dynamically assign email addresses from submission data as recipients.
  2. Select Create Column at the bottom to complete the setup.
Steps to add a Send Form action button in Jotform Tables

You can now send forms with submission data to your users.

A Send Form action button in Jotform Tables

To change settings, open the column’s menu, then select Edit action button.

Steps to edit the action button settings in Jotform Tables

Emailed recipients will recieve an invitation to view the form.

An email invitation to view the form

Selecting the View Form button will bring them to the form with your assigned prefilled values.

A form with prefilled values
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Adding Columns and Action Buttons to Tables

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