Generate more value to your business with Jotform API

Migrate your forms and data to your Enterprise server quickly and securely. Our expert team will respond to all your migration needs and elevate your efficiency.
Example Usages

Learn what you can do with Jotform’s easy to use API

The Jotform API is written for Jotform users and 3rd party developers who would like to serve Jotform users. You can connect any other service to Jotform and make it an integral part of your workflow with Jotform’s easy to use API.

You can easily encrypt your forms to secure and protect your submission data. Simply select the form you’d like to encrypt, verify your account, and create your own custom encryption password. This way, no one but you will be able to access your data. Because you can create and store your password as you see fit, instead of using a randomly generated digital key, you’ll never lose access to your encrypted data. Learn more about how to encrypt your forms. File uploads aren’t covered by this feature. Read about how to keep your file uploads secure.
You can create a widget from scratch or modify an existing widget to create a new widget by using our API.
A script that creates urls to prepopulate your forms with your desired values. Implemented with JavaScript.
Download your submissions' uploaded files, attachments directly to your computer, implemented with Ruby.
Combine Submissions from different forms into one .csv file. Implemented with JavaScript and PHP.
This script compares the current form entries to those that have already been submitted. Implemented with JavaScript and PHP.
Allowing multiple users to access to the company account with single sign-on.
This script imports data from .CSV and Excel files and submits them to Jotform via the API. Implemented with JS and PHP.

Check out our API guide for details and many more examples.

Check out our API guide for details and many more examples.