How to Get Data From Other Forms in Jotform Tables

June 25, 2024

Connecting other forms within your account in Jotform Tables allows you to manage submission data from multiple forms in one place. This enables you to create a lookup or rollup in one of the connected tables. Records update in real-time, eliminating the need to reload the page to see new entries.

Youtube Embed Poster: 3UnruO3fndw

To view and manage data from your other forms

  1. In Jotform Tables, add a new tab.
The Add Tab button in Jotform Tables
  1. In the dialog, select Tables (or choose your desired tab style).
Steps to create a new tables tab in Jotform Tables
  1. Select Connect to Form.
Steps to create a table view in Jotform Tables
  1. Choose a form to connect.
Steps to create a table view in Jotform Tables
  1. Choose the columns to include in the tab, then select Create.
Steps to create a table view in Jotform Tables

A new tab should appear where you can view and manage the connected form’s data. Changes to the entries will be reflected in the connected form’s records.

An Order Form tab in Jotform Tables
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