How to Add Shipping Cost to Payment Forms

February 3, 2023

With Jotform’s shipping feature, you may now specify a cost for shipping each item or set a weight value for each item. This feature is handy if you’re selling physical items that require shipping.

If you have already added the product items to your form, navigate to the Shipping tab in the payment settings to set up the rates. Here are the steps:

  1. In the Form Builder, open the Payment Settings by clicking the wand icon in the payment element.
  2. Go to the Shipping tab.
  3. Toggle the Enable Shipping to Yes.
  1. Select your Charge Basis. You can choose from the following options:
    • Per Product Item
    • Per Transaction (Flat Rate)

The Per Product Item means you are charging customers the shipping fee based on each item. Set up the following:

  • First Item Cost — The standard shipping rate of each item.
  • Additional Item Cost — This pertains to the additional quantity your customers select when you add the option in the form. See the following user guide to add a quantity selector for your product item. It’s helpful if you offer a reduced rate for bulk orders besides setting up coupons.

The Per Transaction (Flat Rate) means you’re charging customers the shipping rate you specify regardless of what item they choose or how many they buy from your payment field.


For forms with PayPal Personal Integration, you can specify a Weight Value for each product if you have a weight-based shipping method configured under your PayPal account. You can choose which unit to use; Pounds or Kilograms.


When your customers select your product(s), the form will automatically calculate and display the total shipping fee at the bottom of the product field.

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