How to Add Custom Unique IDs to Your Form Submissions

December 7, 2023

You can use the Unique ID widget if you need to add custom unique identifiers to your form entries. The Unique ID widget is not visible on the form and only generates unique IDs after submission, making it faster and ideal for high-traffic forms.

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To set up Unique ID

  1. In the Form Builder, click the Add Form Elements in the upper-left corner.
  2. Go to the Widgets tab.
  3. Search and click Unique ID. You can also drag and drop it to the form to add.
Steps to add a Unique ID widget in Jotform Form Builder
  1. Set your configurations accordingly:
    • Prefix — Add a string in front of the IDs.
    • Unique ID Generation Method — Sequential Values is the only option.
    • Current Index — You can define the index to start at any number. However, changing this value to lower than the current index in your form submissions may result in duplicate IDs.
    • Number of Digits — Set your IDs to a fixed number by prepending zeroes before the IDs.
The Unique ID widget's gear icon to view properties in Jotform Form Builder


  • Adding the widget will automatically open its settings/properties panel on the right side of the page. You can open it manually by clicking the widget’s gear icon.
  • If you’re looking for a way to generate a random value, use the Random Value Generator widget.

See also: Setting Up Sub-Folders in Dropbox Using Unique ID.

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