How to Copy a Form to Another Account

March 25, 2024

If you want to copy a form from one Jotform account to another, you can do so by using Jotform’s Import Form feature. The only requirement to do this is to get your form URL. Let’s start!

Getting Your Form URL

Jotform Form Builder creates the URL as soon as the form is created. Here’s how you can copy that:

  1. In the Form Builder, navigate to the Publish tab.
  2. Click the Copy Link button under the Quick Share section to copy your form URL.
Copy Link button in the Publish tab of the Jotform Form Builder

If you wish to get multiple form URLs, you can use this tiny tool here: Jotform – List Forms.

Copying Form to Another Account

The first thing you should do is log in to your other account where you want to import the form. Next, do the following to start importing/copying:

  1. On the My Forms page, click the Create Form button.
Create Form button in Jotform My Forms page
  1. Choose the Import Form option.
Import Form option when creating a new form in Jotform My Forms page
  1. Choose From a web page on the next screen.
  2. Enter the form URL.
  3. Click the Create Form button, and that’s it.
Import from a webpage option when creating a new form in Jotform My Forms page


Importing/copying multiple forms at once isn’t possible. You have to do the import one form at a time. If you wish to move forms and data, it’s possible, but you must create a support request as detailed in this guide: How to Transfer Your Forms and Data to Another Account.

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