Jotform Secure Online Forms
Di Jotform, reputasi kami bertumpu pada kemampuan kami untuk memberikan keamanan formulir tertinggi kepada semua pengguna kami.
Mengapa Jotform Aman?
Memastikan privasi dan keamanan data Anda adalah prioritas utama kami. Anda dapat tenang mengetahui bahwa kami mengambil setiap tindakan pencegahan untuk menyediakan layanan formulir online dengan keamanan tingkat tinggi.
Bagaimana Anda bisa membuat formulir Anda lebih aman?
Ada beberapa opsi keamanan formulir untuk data Anda di Jotform. Ini memudahkan pemilihan tingkat privasi dan keamanan yang Anda inginkan untuk formulir Anda.
You can store your data in the European Union (EU) by enabling the appropriate option in the Data tab of your account settings. After confirmation, your form data will be moved to our European servers in Frankfurt, Germany, run by Google. Once the transfer is complete, you’ll be automatically redirected to upon login. There’s no need to worry about the safety of your data. Jotform complies with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation.
With Jotform Enterprise, you can use geolocalization to host form data on servers in almost any part of the world. Since many countries — including Australia — have laws requiring this, it can be an invaluable tool for global businesses.
You can back up your data with a single click from the Data tab in your account settings. When you trigger a backup operation, we start preparing a single ZIP file that contains the HTML code for your forms, a CSV export of your form submissions, and any uploaded files.
These backups can either be downloaded or stored in our database. If you wish to back up your forms only, it’s also possible to download their source code in zip format and store it in your local storage from the Publish options.
Jotform offers two different CAPTCHA alternatives to make it difficult for bots to fill out your form, while still keeping it easy for form responders. You can either use a basic CAPTCHA or reCAPTCHA, as provided by Google.
We’ve also implemented multiple coding checks within the submission process to analyze if the submission is coming from a person. If spam does get through, our 24/7 support team will help identify the cause and credit your account, if necessary.
For additional spam protection, you can also limit submissions to your form so that only one submission can be made from one IP address, or one computer. If you prefer, you can also enable both for greater protection. Furthermore, you may also choose for your forms to be disabled at a specific time or after a specific submission limit has been reached.
Jotform has a near perfect uptime ratio of 99.9 percent, so you’ll always be able to access your data. You can check Jotform’s operational status in real time. Our Jotform Enterprise service promises to meet the error response rates, resolution times, and uptime ratios outlined in your specific service level agreement (SLA). If these goals aren’t met, you will receive a partial refund as agreed upon in your signed Enterprise agreement.
Apa tindakan lain yang kami ambil untuk melindungi data Anda?
Dalam hal keamanan formulir, ketersediaan tinggi, atau kinerja tinggi, kami bekerja ekstra sepanjang waktu untuk memastikannya. Kami selalu berusaha menjaga keamanan layanan kami.
Jotform servers are colocated in a cloud-based architecture with Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Google Cloud data centers are hosted in Iowa (U.S.) and Frankfurt (Germany, EU). AWS data centers are located in Virginia (U.S.) and Frankfurt (Germany, EU).
Google Cloud servers host our redundant application and data servers in active-active configuration, and all data is replicated to AWS servers on an hourly basis for backup purposes. This provides platform-level redundancy in addition to the redundancy obtained with multiple servers within a single platform. In case we need to switch from the primary platform (Google Cloud) to the secondary platform (AWS), this architecture helps us recover from a platform-level outage. All data remains in-region, so EU data always resides in the EU.
Hosting Jotform on these major cloud platforms also provides us with some extra benefits through implementation of security best practices in areas like hardware life cycle management, physical security, and network infrastructure. Our servers are regularly updated and patched.
If you’re a Jotform Enterprise user, you can choose the physical location of your local cloud data residency center and host your data in any part of the world. This is especially important for complying with data privacy rules and location requirements in places such as Australia, Canada, the U.K., and the EU. Whether you choose to keep your data server close to home or your audience, you’ll enjoy better security, reliability, and site latency. Only users and admins within your Enterprise account will be able access your data server.
We continuously replicate your data between multiple servers hosted by our primary service provider, Google Cloud (back up in real time). Additionally, all data is replicated to AWS (our secondary platform) by way of hourly snapshots. Each snapshot is stored for 30 days in the cloud environment. All data remains in-region, so EU data always resides in the EU zone.
With a Jotform Enterprise account, you can use Single Sign-On. A third-party login boosts security while making it easier for your employees to work together to run your business. You have multiple login methods to choose from, as well as options to track user actions and maintain control of your account’s security.
Jotform Enterprise supports SAML user authentication and popular SSO solutions such as Active Directory, Okta, Google, and OneLogin.
You can also use SSO to protect internal forms with Jotform Enterprise. Users will have to be authenticated before they can view your form. That way, when you collect sensitive employee data, you can ensure the person submitting the form is who they say they are.
In addition to implementing features that increase security, we maintain best practices on the back end to ensure that your account remains secure. We monitor sessions to restrict access to your account appropriately, and have constructed Jotform so that every account is isolated.
We have safeguards in place to detect common attacks, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting. Most importantly, we actively review our code for potential security concerns (in addition to evaluating all user feedback) so that we can address any issues as they arise. Our privacy statement speaks to our level of commitment in ensuring your data isn’t misused.
All developed code is deployed to the production environment only after certain procedures, including test runs on staging systems. Our continuous deployment system and development process allow us to rapidly update and patch our system whenever needed.
PCI scans are regularly performed to detect any kind of vulnerability in our publicly available interfaces. Each quarter, internal and external Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) tests are performed for PCI. In addition to these PCI scans, penetration tests are performed periodically.
We also have a bug bounty program for which we pay outside parties to report vulnerabilities. This ensures that we are the first to know about any bugs. We fix all high-priority issues reported to our bug bounty program as quickly as possible.
We have an outside routing layer from CloudFlare that provides basic filtering to handle and manage any potential DDoS (denial of service) attacks. Security scans are performed periodically as described in the audits/VA/PT chapter. Our servers are configured to allow only the absolute minimum level of access needed to maintain them.
All unnecessary users, protocols, and ports are disabled and monitored. Our employees are able to access the servers only through a virtual private network using a 2048-bit encrypted connection with private keys. In addition to third-party security services, our experienced development operations team continuously monitors any suspicious behavior for the entire system.
All account information is automatically encrypted when transferred. Only you have access to your forms and submissions. You may add multiple users to your account with Jotform Enterprise.
No matter what industry you work in, Jotform wants to help create the perfect security controls for your needs. As an Enterprise user, you can easily request to enable, disable, or add specific security settings to your local data residency center. Contact our Enterprise team to learn more.
Apakah formulir memiliki fitur keamanan?
Ya. Formulir Anda disimpan melalui koneksi Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 256-bit yang dilindungi. Saat Anda mengenkripsi formulir Anda, tanggapan dilindungi oleh kata sandi khusus Anda. Selain itu, Anda dapat mengaktifkan privasi ekstra dan perlindungan spam seperti yang dijelaskan di bagian "Bagaimana Anda dapat membuat formulir Anda lebih aman?"
Apakah Anda menyimpan semua data formulir terenkripsi? Apakah Anda mengirim email notifikasi untuk formulir terenkripsi?
Jika Anda mengenkripsi formulir Anda, tanggapan Anda akan ditransfer dan disimpan secara terenkripsi. Email notifikasi tidak terenkripsi, sehingga email notifikasi tidak berisi data tanggapan apapun.
Apakah data saya akan dilindungi baik saat transmisi maupun saat berada di server jika saya menggunakan sistem Anda?
Ya, jika Anda mengenkripsi formulir Anda, data tanggapan Anda akan dienkripsi selama transmisi ke server kami dengan enkripsi SSL 256-bit. Setelah sampai ke server kami, SSL didekripsi dan data Anda disimpan secara terenkripsi di server. Hanya pemegang kata sandi enkripsi yang dapat mengakses data formulir Anda.
Dapatkah mesin telusur mengindeks data formulir saya?
Jotform mencegah mesin pencari untuk mengindeks tanggapan. Pengguna juga dapat membatasi akses tanggapan ke akun mereka sendiri jika mereka menginginkannya dan membuat tanggapan mereka tidak dapat diakses oleh publik.
Bagaimana Anda menyimpan file yang diunggah ke formulir saya?
File yang diunggah ke formulir Anda diberi URL yang sangat kompleks. Hanya orang yang memiliki URL ini yang dapat mengunduh file ini. Namun jika Anda menginginkan peningkatan keamanan untuk unggahan file Anda, Anda dapat membatasi akses. Misalnya, untuk dapat mengunduh file-file ini, Anda harus masuk ke akun Jotform Anda dalam browser yang sama. Anda dapat membaca lebih lanjut tentang fitur ini.
Apakah organisasi Anda menangani transaksi atau informasi kartu kredit? Jika ya, apakah Anda sesuai dengan hukum PCI DSS?
Jotform mematuhi PCI DSS dan bersertifikasi Payment Credit Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) Service Provider Level I, pencapaian keamanan tertinggi yang dapat Anda miliki sebagai bisnis yang mengumpulkan pembayaran, dan terintegrasi dengan, kartu kredit. Artinya, meskipun sebagian besar pembayaran diproses di halaman pemrosesnya sendiri, untuk PayPal Pro, Authorize.Net, Worldpay US, dan PayJunction, informasi kartu kredit diproses melalui server PCI kami, tetapi tidak disimpan dengan cara apa pun.
Apa standar keamanan Jotform (HTTPS/Enkripsi)?
Secara default, Jotform menggunakan standar koneksi TLSv1.2 di atas enkripsi SHA256/RSA untuk HTTPS. Untuk enkripsi tanggapan formulir, Jotform menggunakan Kunci RSA 2048 Bit.
Bagaimana Anda mencegah injeksi XSS dan SQL?
Kami menerapkan praktik terbaik untuk mencegah kerentanan tersebut, dan secara aktif meninjau kode untuk kemungkinan akan masalah keamanan. Selain itu, kami mengevaluasi semua umpan balik pengguna dan laporan program bug bounty dalam waktu sesingkat mungkin.
Apa yang digunakan untuk perlindungan keamanan terhadap serangan berbahaya?
Kami menggunakan CloudFlare untuk menghadapi spam, phishing, dan perlindungan serangan DDOS dan OSSEC untuk deteksi intrusi dan pemantauan server kami.
Siapa yang memiliki akses ke informasi yang dikumpulkan dalam database kami di Jotform?
Server kami memiliki akses terbatas berdasarkan jaringan dan tingkat otentikasi. Pada tingkat jaringan, hanya sejumlah titik masuk VPN yang diizinkan, dan permintaan koneksi lainnya diblokir sepenuhnya oleh firewall kami. Pada tingkat otentikasi, hanya tim Operasi Pengembangan serta CTO dan CEO kami yang memiliki kredensial untuk mengakses server ini.
Apakah Anda melakukan penilaian kerentanan internal atau eksternal atau pengujian penetrasi?
Ya. Selain pemindaian PCI internal dan eksternal, uji pena dilakukan secara berkala. Kami juga memiliki program hadiah di mana pihak luar melaporkan kerentanan. Anda dapat Baca Lebih Lanjut tentangnya di bagian Audit Keamanan di atas.
Apa kebijakan kerumitan kata sandi perusahaan Anda?
Kami tidak memiliki kebijakan kompleksitas kata sandi. Kata sandi dienkripsi dengan salt dan SHA-256.
Apakah perusahaan Anda memiliki kebijakan deteksi intrusi?
Jotform menggunakan Host Intrusion Detection System (HIDS) pada server aplikasi dan Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) di kantor pengembangan. Selain itu, kebijakan deteksi intrusi PCI diterapkan, seperti yang ditentukan oleh persyaratan PCI.
Jenis uji apa yang diberlakukan pada karyawan di organisasi Anda?
Semua karyawan Jotform harus melewati proses penyaringan yang ketat pada saat perekrutan. Selain itu, semua karyawan harus menandatangani dan terikat oleh perjanjian Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
Tindakan keamanan data apa yang dimiliki pusat data Anda? Apakah ada sertifikat yang tersedia terkait dengan keamanan data, kerahasiaan data, transmisi data yang aman? Apakah pusat data Anda sesuai dengan SOC 2?
Semua pusat data tempat kami menghosting server kami memenuhi standar keamanan tertinggi. Platform utama kami adalah Google Cloud, yang mematuhi SSAE16 / ISAE 3402 Tipe II, SOC 1, SOC 2, SOC 3, ISO 27001, ISO 27017 (Keamanan Cloud), ISO 27018 (Privasi Cloud), dan PCI DSS v3.2. Platform juga memungkinkan kepatuhan HIPAA. Anda dapat menemukan informasi selengkapnya tentang kepatuhan Google Cloud di
Di mana pusat datanya? Apakah Anda memiliki server internal?
Jotform menggunakan Google Cloud dan AWS untuk semua kebutuhan hosting pusat data kami dan tidak memelihara server internal apa pun. Untuk daftar lokasi hosting saat ini, lihat bagian Pusat Data.
Apakah sistem Anda diuji untuk kelemahan keamanan?
Ya, sistem kami diuji secara berkala terhadap ancaman eksternal dan internal.