Does Discord enable HIPAA compliance?

Discord has asserted that it does not enable HIPAA compliance. Messages sent on Discord aren’t encrypted, so covered entities shouldn’t use this tool for protected health information (PHI).

Discord is a social media and mobile chat platform created for entertainment and personal communication. No encryption is available for messages sent through Discord, which means this platform lacks a key HIPAA requirement. Also, Discord’s privacy policy states that the company collects information, including images, messages, and documents sent through the chat feature.

HIPAA requires privacy for all PHI and data storage. Other chat and messaging platforms with specific security measures that meet HIPAA standards are available for the healthcare industry.

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Product description

Discord is a social media platform that makes it easy to create a digital space to hang out with friends and community. Features include private chat and invite-only group communication.

This web page was updated on November 01, 2023.


Readers should perform their own research before making the final decision. The information on the Jotform HIPAA Compliance Checker does not constitute official healthcare or legal advice. Jotform is not liable for any damage or liabilities arising out of or connected in any manner with this platform.

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