Does NordVPN enable HIPAA compliance?

The purpose of a virtual private network (VPN) is to encrypt data shared between devices. But there is no mention of NordVPN’s ability to enable HIPAA compliance or of the company’s willingness to sign a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) on the NordVPN website. 

NordLayer — NordVPN’s business VPN solution — claims to enable HIPAA compliance with appropriate measures for securing access to Protected Health Information (PHI). 

The NordLayer Help Center provides additional information about HIPAA and NordLayer. Plans are discussed on the website, but there is no specific mention of which ones enable HIPAA compliance.

Product details

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Product description

NordVPN is a virtual private network that protects a user’s internet connection and privacy online. VPNs create an encrypted tunnel for the exchange of data.

This web page was updated on May 10, 2024.


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