How to Generate an Invoice for Your Payment Form

May 10, 2024

Jotform offers a way for your payment forms to automatically generate invoices for your form submitters. You can either create and customize your invoices from scratch or choose from a collection of hundreds of PDF templates.

Youtube Embed Poster: 00hBeIyhAMM

To generate an invoice after submission

  1. In the Form Builder, select your Product List’s shopping cart icon.
  2. In the settings panel on the right, go to Invoice at the top.
Steps to enable invoice in Jotform
  1. Turn on Enable Invoice.
  2. Enter your business details that will appear on your invoice.
Steps to enable invoice in Jotform
  1. Scroll further down and configure the rest of the settings.
Invoice options in Jotform

Here are the available options:

  • Preview the Invoice — Preview, edit, and customize your invoice in the PDF Editor.
  • Attach to Emails — Add your invoice to your Notifications and Autoresponders.
  • Generate Invoice Number — Use a Unique ID widget to add a unique identifier to your invoice.
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