This is a service agreement between the party
above & Yogability Australia Pty Ltd (Here out
referred to as YA) a registered provider unde
r the National Disability Insurance Scheme and
a participant and or participants guardian /
representative who could be a friend or family
member or someone who manages the funding for
supports under a participants NDIS plan.
What supports
will be provid
Yogability Australia provides Mindful Yoga Car
e (MYCare) Disability Support sessions, where
participants practice yoga and meditation taug
ht as a stress management strategy to increase
mobility and learn other healthy lifestyle sk
ills. These healthy lifestyle skills can inclu
de personal hygiene development, social skills
mentoring & food education. The MYCare Disabi
lity Support Education sessions assist with se
lf care, social & community participation. The
MYCare Disability Support sessions help to im
prove daily living by empowering participants
with the capacity to be more self sufficient.
In the MYCare disability support education ses
sions YA representatives can assist with impro
ving personal hygiene through help with cleani
ng making home spaces yoga appropriate. Includ
ed in the disability supports provided are foo
d skills development which can entail the prep
aration of healthy smoothies. Participants are
taught the benefits of the ingredients & in l
onger sessions access community to purchase th
e ingredients.
As part of the MYCare, participants can be men
tored in gaining accessing to the community ac
tivities. Yogability Australia workers assist
with transitions of various life stages by ass
isting the participants to access various soci
al recreational activities, whilst teaching li
fe skills such as doing groceries, taking care
of personal hygiene, learning technology skil
ls and travel training. In community participa
tion activities such as going on nature hikes,
to the movies or bowling etc there may be out
of pocket expenses to the participant.
The sessions will continue indefinitely for th
e remainder of the participant plan & until th
e provider or participant cancels this agreeme
nt. Upon completion of a participants plan thi
s agreement will still be valid into subsequen
t plans if the participant or plan nominee & p
rovider are happy to continue with the same te
rms. This agreement will be valid until cancel
led by either party in writing preferably with
one month notice.
The MYCare disability support will be delivere
d at either a centre, in participants home or
a location organised by a YA representative.
The MYCare disability support will be delivere
d a minimum of once a week.
Additional hours & sessions are available on r
equest. These additional hours must be within
the participants budget and the participant ne
eds to clarify this either by enquiring to the
ir plan manager / support coordinator or by ch
ecking their budget in the NDIS myplace portal
The MYCare disability supports will be for the
minimum number of hours highlighted in the Su
pport Registration Groups below with a minimum
bill amount of 3hrs per scheduled support inc
luding travel. (Unless minimum amount otherwis
e specified above the 3hr minimum) Travel wil
l be billed based on NDIS guidelines.
The supports will be delivered until the parti
cipant or their representative cancels this ag
reement with written notice. Upon renewal of t
he participants plan this agreement is still v
alid if the participant wishes to continue wit
h the service.
Participants and or participant carer / nomine
e must give 48 hours notice of cancellation of
a support in writing. Failure to give 48hours
notice will result in the participant being c
harged for 100% of the support. Our cancellati
on policy on scheduled supports will update wi
th changes in the NDIS cancellation policy. (T
his includes updates with COVID-19 cancellatio
n policies and any changes to cancellation amo
Support Regi
stration Gro
Yogability Australia's MYCare Disability Suppo
rt sessions come under a variety of different
NDIS registration groups and support items. Ea
ch of the below support items can be used thro
ugh out the participants plan for various sess
ions that will be provided that align with wha
t is in the participants plan and to deliver s
ervices towards the participants goals.
Online sessions will be delivered in a minimum
of a 2 hour block, participants will be bille
d the minimum under one of the below categorie
s for sessions delivered. Sessions will be del
ivered one to one.
MYCare Suppo
rt Categorie
Physical sessions will be billed at the minimu
m rates specified with travel. If supports del
ivered extend beyond what is specified the par
ticipant will be billed based on the time that
supports are delivered for. Sessions will be
delivered primarily one to one or with staff r
atio as required.
Please see the details below for the various s
upport items categories the MYCare disability
supports can be delivered under:
Core regist
ration grou
Participation In Community, Social And Civic
Activities , Daily Personal Activities
: Assistance with social and community partici
pation , Assistance with daily life
4 & 1
(Prices below will update with changes in the
price guide, with the applicable line item pri
ce related to all categories for weekend, publ
ic holiday rates & any other changes such as C
OVID loading. Both core categories are used on
weekdays and weekends before any capacity bui
lding categories, with capacity building categ
ories being used if there is no funding left i
n core for supports. If more experienced Mindf
ul Yoga Carers are used then level 2 or level
3 pricing categories can be used for supports.
Core Community participation & Assistance With
Self-Care Activities Categories Hourly Rates:
$67.56 - (Weekday Daytime)
$74.44 - (Weekday Evening)
$95.06- (Saturday)
$122.59 - (Sunday)
$150.10 - (Public Holiday)
Capacity Building (CB) registration group: De
velopment Of Daily Living And Life Skills
Support Category Name: Improved daily living
Support item: 15 Individual Skill Development
And Training Including Public Transport Traini
Hourly Rate: $67.56
CB registration group: Development Of Daily L
iving And Life Skills
Support Category Name: Improved daily living
Support item: 09 Individual Skills Development
And Training
Hourly rate: $77.00
CB registration group: Increased social and c
ommunity participation
Support Category Name: Assist-Life Stage Tran
Support item: 9 Life Transition Planning Incl.
Mentoring Peer-Support And Individual Skill D
Hourly Rate: $77.00
CB registration group: Development Of Daily L
iving And Life Skills
Support Category Name: Improved relationships
Support item: 11 Individual Social Skills Deve
Hourly Rate: $77.00
CB registration group: Development Of Daily L
iving And Life Skills
Support Category Name: Improved daily living
Support item: 15 Training For Carers/Parents
Hourly Rate: $77.00
CB registration group: Development Of Daily Li
ving And Life Skills
Support Category: Improved daily living skills
Support item: 15 Assessment Recommendation The
rapy or Training - Other Professional
Hourly Rate: $193.99
Session & Ye
arly Estimat
2hr x $67.56 = $135.12 per online session
1 year estimate on
line session (Mini
48 weeks x 1 sessions 2hr min = $6,485.76 per
48 weeks x 2 sessions 2hr min = $12,971.52 per
48 weeks x $67.56 1hr est. $3,242.88 per year
- 1 session per week
1 year estimate with travel 1
weekday session per week (Mi
48 weeks x $202.68 3hr min = $9,728.64 per yea
48 weeks x $270.24 4hr min = $12,971.52 per ye
48 weeks x $405.36 6hr min = $19,457.28 per ye
48 weeks x $540.48 8hr min = $25,943.04 per ye
1 year estimate with trav
el 1 weekend session (min
48 weeks x $285.21 Sat 3hr min = $13,690.08 pe
r year
48 weeks x $367.77 Sun 3hr min = $17,652.96 pe
r year
MYCare Online or phy
sical Program Breakd
A typical online or minimum physical session c
ould be as follows:
Preperation for session 15mins
Set up technology and props for online session
s within MYCarers home or in the participants
home or Yoga Centre in the physical session -
Greetings & check in chat - 15mins
Yoga, breathing exercises, meditation & or MYC
are education session using platform content m
aking a smoothie after the yoga tidying up whe
n finishing. - 1hr - 1hr 45mins
Cleaning up space and saying goodbyes. Confirm
ing next session, writing support notes report
. 15mins
Total 2hrs - 2.5hrs
A typical longer session breakdown could be as
A typical longer session could be as follows.
Preperation for session 15mins Set up space fo
r an online session or within the community or
in the participants home in the physical sess
ion. 15mins Greetings & check in chat 15mins Y
oga, breathing exercises meditation & or MYCar
e education session using platform content mak
ing a smoothie after the yoga tidying up when
finishing 1hr 15mins - 1hr 45mins Cleaning up
space and saying goodbyes writing support note
s report. 15mins Total 2hrs to 2.5hrs. A typic
al longer session breakdown could be as follow
s: Greetings & assisting in helping to prepare
the participant to participate in the communi
ty or access self care development supports. 3
0mins to 1hr
Travel to place in community (park, nature wal
k, field, yoga centre or MYCarers home studios
). 15mins to 1hr. Participate in a community a
ctivity such as taking a nature walk or walkin
g to a spot, setting up yoga mats for Yoga, me
ditations & breathing exercises. This could in
clude skills development through the MYSchool
Platform. This time could also be used to atte
nd a space to participant in supports. Travel
to local shop & purchase healthy ingredients f
or a smoothie or have a coffee out somewhere,
maybe having lunch together or a picnic partic
ipating in community. 2hrs to 6hr Travel back
to participants home 15mins - 1hrs Prepare a h
ealthy smoothie, drinking & cleaning up once f
inished. Maybe cooking a healthy meal together
. Saying good byes and writing support notes o
n session delivery 1hr.
Total 4hrs - 10hrs
Yogability Australia will seek payment for the
ir provision weekly.
Any travel expenses incurred during supports s
uch as parking fees or tolls will be paid and
billed at the cost rate.
With Core supports all kilometres travelled wi
ll be billed at $0.85 per kilometre to and fro
m the client & inline with the NDIS price guid
e prices for the type of vehicle used. Any Cap
acity Building line item supports will have ki
lometres travelled to and from the participant
billed at $0.85 per kilometre or inline with
the NDIS price guide prices for the type of ve
hicle used. All kilometres travelled with the
participant will be billed at $0.85 or inline
with the NDIS price guide prices for the type
of vehicle used.
Yogability Australia will keep track of dates
& times of when supports are delivered.
If supports are delivered beyond what is quote
d in this service agreement they will be bille
d at the applicable rate for the time spent de
livering the mindful disability supports with
the participant. Centre capital charges will b
e billed if the participant and team member ut
ilise a hired space or Centre.
If participants budget for services is exhaust
ed then services will cease until funds are re
instated with any of the line items above bein
g used if required. Prices & categories list a
bove will update with any changes to the price
guide. Any time spent on reports & support no
tes will be factored in to billing. All prices
will update with any changes in the NDIS pric
e guide. If clients request sleep overs they w
ill be billed at the applicable overnight slee
p over rate inline with the NDIS price guide r
ate. If funds remain at the end of a plan thes
e funds will be billed to provide continuity o
f support into future plans.
A $125 yearly subscription App access fee will
be billed for participant gaining access to t
he Yogability Australia Healthy Lifestyle skil
ls disability support education and management
digital application. Participant can sign up
to the digital application after completing th
is agreement utilising the education content a
t their discretion. The participant will be bi
lled the App access fee every 12 months whilst
they are receiving supports. Participant agre
es to void Yogability Australia Pty Ltd of any
liability or damages from the participants us
e of the digital application.
Yogability Australia provides Mindful Yoga Cam
ps respite retreats for NDIS participants. Thi
s service agreement between the above particip
ant and Yogability Australia Pty Ltd confirms
a minimum of one respite retreat in the partic
ipants current & future plans. This agreement
is valid into future plans with optional respi
te retreats available in this plan and future
plans until it’s cancelled by the participant
or plan nominee.