Check out our frequently asked questions below.

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  • Why should I use Jotform?

    We believe data collection shouldn’t be complicated. With Jotform, you can easily create forms, collect submissions, accept payments, and connect to your favorite apps — because nothing should stop you from getting the data you need.

  • Is Jotform free?

    Yes! Jotform has a free plan that lets you create forms, sync responses with 100+ integrations, collect card payments through your choice of payment gateway, and more! If you’d like to receive more submissions and storage space, explore our paid plans to find the right fit for your needs.

  • Does Jotform offer a nonprofit discount?

    Yes! You work hard to make the world a better place, and we want to make collecting information easier for you. That’s why Jotform offers a 50-percent discount off paid plans to nonprofit organizations, and qualifying educational institutions!

  • Is Jotform mobile-responsive?

    All of Jotform’s classic and card forms are mobile-responsive, meaning they’ll seamlessly adapt to whatever device they’re viewed on. But if you’d like an even easier way to collect information and manage your forms, just download our free mobile app — Jotform Mobile Forms — to swiftly collect info on the go.

  • How safe is Jotform?

    Jotform keeps your data safe with PCI compliance, GDPR compliance, 256-bit SSL protection, and the option to encrypt your forms — so whether you’re collecting internal information for your company or gathering client contact info, the data you collect will be stored securely in your Jotform account.

  • Is Jotform HIPAA compliant?

    Jotform offers HIPAA compliance features that help you to keep sensitive health information safe. Jotform provides tools that allow companies to create forms that abide by specific HIPAA regulations.

  • What integrations does Jotform offer?

    Jotform integrates with more than 100 platforms, from CRM software and cloud storage solutions to email marketing services and payment gateways. By syncing your form to your favorite tools, Jotform will automatically send submissions to your other online accounts — Google Drive, Slack, PayPal, Dropbox, Mailchimp, Salesforce, and much more. We’re always looking for more integration partners to help automate your workflow, so check back often!

  • Can I collect payments with Jotform?

    Yes! For seamless online payment processing, use Jotform to connect with more than 30 trusted payment gateways, including Square, PayPal, Stripe, and Authorize.Net. You’ll never have to pay additional transaction fees for accepting payments through your form. With PCI DSS Level 1 compliance and GDPR compliance, Jotform guarantees the protection of your customers’ credit card information during online transactions.

  • Will I lose my Formstack data if I start using Jotform?

    No. Once you’ve decided to make the switch, Jotform will quickly import your existing Formstack forms and submissions into your new account — so you can continue collecting important data without interruption.