Security Agreement
A security agreement is a legally binding document that is entered into by a client and a security services provider or freelance security provider. This document outlines the services that will be executed, scheduling, terms and conditions, payment expectations, and more depending on the client’s specific needs. Once all individuals have signed and agreed to the terms, each involved party will receive a copy to keep for their records.
Design your own Security Agreement to match your needs with Jotform Sign’s easy-to-use online form builder — no coding or design knowledge needed. Drag and drop to add or remove form fields, upload logos and branding, edit letter text, create an automated signing order, and more. Create and customize once, and send multiple times to multiple users.
These templates are suggested forms only. If you're using a form as a contract, or to gather personal (or personal health) info, or for some other purpose with legal implications, we recommend that you do your homework to ensure you are complying with applicable laws and that you consult an attorney before relying on any particular form.