How to construct a full download link from a filename

  • ellie123
    Asked on June 30, 2014 at 12:33 PM

    Also....One more question.....I have users uploading an image, and when it gets stored in my db it is only storing the image name. How can I find the FULL PATH to that image instead of just the name of it? This is pretty important...can you help me wit this? I see the image on the report, so I know it's there, and when I look in my db it just shows the image name. But, I need the actual full http:// path to the image...


    Can you tell me how I can have it store the full url path instead? (I know I kind of switched paths here, but this is important image isn't showing on my site because I don't know the path....).

  • David JotForm Support
    Replied on June 30, 2014 at 1:00 PM


    Do do this, change the properties of the upload files field to be viewed rather than downloaded.

    1) Click on the Gear icon

    2)Click on Show Properties

    3)Change the Download images option to "No"

    How to construct a full download link from a filename Image 1 Screenshot 20

    This should instead give you the full URL for the image rather than having you download it.

    Please let us know if there is anything else we can assist you with and we will be happy to help.

    Thank you for using Jotform!

  • ellie123
    Replied on June 30, 2014 at 4:19 PM

    Hello - Okay, I'm eithee having a major friggin' blonde moment or thsi just is not working.

    I made the changes you said to make, but...I am still just getting the image name in my db table.

    I am attaching both the settings I changed and a screenie of my db table.

    I need to somehow get the full path of that image...pls help before I go Crazy!!! I feel like this shoudl be so simple, so I don't know if I am just making it harder than it is or what the hell I am doing wrong.

    Thanks sooooo much...

    1. Here is the settings per your instructions:
    How to construct a full download link from a filename Image 1 Screenshot 30


    2. Here is my database table with just the image name showing:
    How to construct a full download link from a filename Image 2 Screenshot 41

  • ellie123
    Replied on June 30, 2014 at 4:21 PM

    Here is a link to my form:

  • Mike_T
    Replied on June 30, 2014 at 4:34 PM

    Let me please inform you, that we use the following upload link format:{account_name}/{form_ID}/{submission_ID}/{file_name}

    And it actually redirects to:{account_name}/{form_ID/{submission_ID}/{file_name}

    In you case it will be:{submission_ID}/{file_name} 

    You might try to construct such link in your script and populate it into the database.

    Please feel free to contact us if you need any further assistance.

  • spyguide
    Replied on July 1, 2014 at 11:09 PM


    In light of the info above....let me ask this:

    I am making another form where I am having my users upload the PDF version of a form they filled out. 

    They are going to upload this PDF form to my website for ppl to see and download (I cannot figure out any other way for ppl to view one user's form submissions. The report format doesn't work because users see everybody else's submissions. I need to view just one users submissions at a time. If there is a way to do this, pls advise.)

    So, my question is... Is there a way that I can automatically rename the file upload? So my upload link format would be:{account_name}/{form_ID}/{submission_ID}/{myautorenamehere.pdf}

    Which in my case would actually redirect to:{submission_ID}/{myautorenamehere.pdf} 

    Thank you for your help!

    - Ellie

    PS - while I do appreciate it, pls do not reply with the general "we have now have Webhooks for this" etc. because I do not understand the documentation (or lack thereof) I have asked for step by step help with webhooks but never received. 

  • spyguide
    Replied on July 1, 2014 at 11:28 PM

    2nd question.....

    where do I put this code so that the submission ID is automatically filled in? Do I add it to my custom thank you script page? 

    The way it's set up now, the submissions are being saved to my Wordpress MySQL database. 

    Here is my script page:

    Ultimately, I want to display the users form results on my website and let them edit them. I was given the code ({submission_ID}&mode=edit) to let the user edit but again I need to figure out how to get the submission id into the URL. 

    Thanks for any help you can give! :)

  • Ashwin JotForm Support
    Replied on July 2, 2014 at 2:32 AM

    Hello spyguide,

    So, my question is... Is there a way that I can automatically rename the file upload? 

    Unfortunately no, it is not possible to rename the uploaded files. The file is uploaded as it is without any change in the file name and URL is constructed based on that.

    Using webhook will also not help because the file files are uploaded from our server using our script which does not have any option of file renaming. 

    I have moved your second question to a new thread and you will be answered here:

    Thank you!

  • ellie123
    Replied on July 25, 2014 at 10:09 AM


    Hello - 

    (First of all, I am the same person as the OP, I have 2 JF accounts, so not infringing on anybody's thread.)

    I am trying to show my users uploaded image on my website - and when I use the following link:{account_name}/{form_ID}/{submission_ID}/{file_name}

    It only gives me a way to direct download, it won't actually display the image, I have tried both checking and unchecking the box to "Download Image" as David suggested above, but no luck.

    Can you offer any other advice for how I can show this image? I should note that I have the file name in my MySql DB so I have some control over the output ...

    Thank you

  • ellie123
    Replied on July 25, 2014 at 10:34 AM

    Maybe a better question is....

    How can I have my db store the upload path of the file like this:


    Instead of like this:

    If you can tell me that...I will be golden... :)


  • Carina
    Replied on July 25, 2014 at 11:58 AM

    I tried to use a form calculation widget with the option "add field to equation as text by default":

    How to construct a full download link from a filename Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Then manually pasting the download url in the form calculation formula.

    But unfortunately it is missing to insert the submission ID: 

    I can try making further tests, but for it's close but not done. Sorry.

    Let us know if we can be of assistance.

    Thank you