Feature Request - Auto-saving option for 1 or 2 minutes

  • Kiltox
    Asked on August 13, 2014 at 11:55 AM

    Hello all,

    Due to the size and complexity of my form, I have noticed serious lag on certain devices when I am using the 'auto-save' option.

    This affects lower-powered devices (Galaxy S3) more so than other devices (iPad).

    I currently have my form set to auto-save at the lowest (or highest) possible frequency, but this is 30 seconds - this means that for phone users every 30 seconds the form will freeze for ~10 seconds which is obviously frustrating.

    Is it possible to improve performance by only auto-saving every minute or two? I only have options ranging up to every 30 seconds.


    Saving upon completion of each field is even worse sadly!

  • KadeJM
    Replied on August 13, 2014 at 2:47 PM

    Unfortunately, as of right now those are the only options we currently offer for the saving feature.

    I believe our developers felt strongly that the options you see were a good margin to prevent errors in the auto-save feature. Anything outside that window such as a longer timeframe would be a risk of not being saved which is why it is set up to save data so often.

    However, contrary to that fact I have sent this as a request on your behalf to our developers. If it is deemed feasible then we'll implement it and update you later on.

    Feature Request   Auto saving option for 1 or 2 minutes Image 1 Screenshot 20