Submissions EXCEL/CSV reports: How to separate payment information into multiple columns

  • LittleValleyPTA
    Asked on September 2, 2014 at 4:07 PM

    All of the purchase options are in one field. Is there a way to separate them so that they go straight to their own column in Excel and still maintain the purchase total for the credit charge?

    >x_Now Chatting

    Is there a quick way to get to a specific submission. i.e. a search for a name?

    Submissions EXCEL/CSV reports: How to separate payment information into multiple columns Image 1 Screenshot 20Welvin: Hi, I'm Welvin from Jotform Support. Good day!

    Hi Welvin.

    Welvin: Meaning, across all forms you have?

    Yes. I have an amount discrepancy on my downloaded excel file and I need to check the original to see why the totals don't add up.

    Welvin: Unfortunately, we do not have that feature. You have to access the form submissions page and use search below the grid list.

    ok. Thanks.

    Welvin: You're welcome!

    Welvin: Is there anything else I may help you with?

    I do need to have our form remade to not have all the data in one column when I download it to Excel. But that is probably something a programmer needs to address?

    Welvin: I think so. For example, Address field.

    Welvin: Matrix Field.

    Welvin: Payment Tool

    Welvin: You cannot just add these fields to your form and separate each option/section to a different column in Excel Spreadsheet.

    Welvin: I would suggest to use single input field, i.e textbox if you want to separate the result into column(s).

    The programmer put all the purchases in one field. So all the data is in one sentence in one column. I am separating them by hand which is time consuming.

    My question would be how to make sure that each field has a credit card charge attached to it?

    Welvin: Did you integrate the form to one of our payment integrations?

    I didn't make it, I just have to use it! I am a PTA treasurer. I will try to contact the person who made the form. I don't have time to fix it right ont. Thanks

    Welvin: I'm checking now. What is the form name? or form URL?

    Welvin: Okay, I think this is the correct one:



    All of the purchase options are in one field. Is there a way to separate them so that they go straight to their own column in Excel and still maintain the purchase total for the credit charge?

    Welvin: Unfortunately, that is not possible to the form builder.

    Welvin: That is part of the backend process.

    Okay. That would be a good fix.

    Welvin: Our developer would have change that, if ever. But we'll have to create a request and submit it to them.

    I need to have the amounts separate so we can keep track of them.

    It seems like it would be an easy fix, but I'm not a developer. It would sure help me out!

    Welvin: I would suggest to create a request to our support forum for that matter.


    Ok. Thanks.

    Welvin is typing...

  • Mike_T
    Replied on September 2, 2014 at 5:29 PM

    There is no such option in our form builder as of this time. I have attached a feature request ticket to this thread in order to implement the product data separation option, and hope it will be implemented at some point. There is no ETA for when it will be implemented, but we will let you know as soon as we have any updates.

    In the meantime, you might consider using a workaround from the following thread:

    Separating payment info or products into each column

    Thank you.

  • alp_deniz
    Replied on September 9, 2014 at 3:41 AM


    I will be studying the case for a possible solution and will let update here as soon as I find a solution.

    Meanwhile, you may use JotPayments app to calculate your form's income.

    Kind regards