How to properly get the webpage 'title' variable using referrer in Lightbox

  • humbuckermusic
    Asked on November 25, 2014 at 2:39 PM

    When a person to fills out a form, that form will pass the page's title to me via email using a hidden "referrer" field.

    Everything is working well, except if they fill out the form on multiple pages it will always pass the same title, which is the first page they visited to use the form.

    Is there anyway to get the referrer variable to pass the correct page?

    In the page url listed below, you have to click on "NEED PRICING?  CLICK HERE"


    My code is this:



    moog price Screenshot 10



  • Ben
    Replied on November 25, 2014 at 4:37 PM


    You are using this code on your page to show the jotform:

    <script src="//" type="text/javascript">
    new JotformFeedback({
    iframeParameters: { 'referrer': document.title},
    windowTitle:'MOOG PRICE REQUEST',
    <a class="lightbox-32458208875968" style="cursor:pointer;color:blue;text-decoration:underline;"><img src="//"></a>

    Is there anyway to get the referrer variable to pass the correct page?

    You are passing referrer value as the actual document title, now depending on what you would like to get we can alter this. Could you please tell us exactly what do you mean by "pass the correct page"? Do you mean this popup 'page' or the title of the page you are on when you click on that image?

    Best Regards,

  • humbuckermusic
    Replied on November 25, 2014 at 4:44 PM

    Hello Ben,

    By "pass the correct page" I mean the title of the page you are on when the image is clicked.



  • Mike_T
    Replied on November 25, 2014 at 6:08 PM

    Everything is working well, except if they fill out the form on multiple pages it will always pass the same title, which is the first page they visited to use the form.

    It seems to be related to enabled Autofill option on your form. Please try to disable that option to see if that works.

    How to properly get the webpage title variable using referrer in Lightbox Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Thank you.