Attempting to type 'a' after 'Transp' (UPPERcase "T") in form background settings automatically changes color to #000000. Must type 'transparent'.

  • Larry5000
    Asked on December 4, 2014 at 1:49 AM
    Also in case you do not see it I responded to a thread about the Transparent situation I type in Transp and as soon as I type the "a" it goes to #000000  I read once where you fixed it and I guess for awhile people could then type the whole word out with no problem but I guess it is acting up again. I did the temporary fix for now that was suggested and it seems to be working.
  • Welvin Support Team Lead
    Replied on December 4, 2014 at 2:01 AM


    I can't seem to replicate this problem. Look at this screenshot:

    Attempting to type a after Transp (UPPERcase T) in form background settings automatically changes color to #000000 Screenshot 20

    And here's a quick screencast:

    Well, the method using custom CSS codes should work. You can use it if the problem still appears in the other forms you have. We can create a report about this, but maybe you need to check your keyboard shortcut first or try clearing your browsers cache and cookies for Jotform.


  • abajan
    Replied on December 4, 2014 at 5:03 AM


    Initially, I wasn't able to replicate the issue either but eventually I discovered that while typing transparent works, attempting to enter Transparent does not (note the uppercase "T") because as you've stated, the box only allows "Transp" and then it sets the background to #000000 (black) when you go to type the second "a":

    Attempting to type a after Transp (UPPERcase T) in form background settings automatically changes color to #000000 Screenshot 30

    However, in the jotform's Preferences both "Transparent" and "transparent" work but it should be noted that it must be entered to the right of the box containing "Background ..." and not in the popup's box:

    Attempting to type a after Transp (UPPERcase T) in form background settings automatically changes color to #000000 Screenshot 41

    Interestingly enough, while typing transparent has no effect if typed in the popup's box, attempting to enter Transparent (uppercase "T") there will trigger the same problem of making the jotform's background black.

    Do let us know if you need help with anything else.
