Suggestion: Display a screentip on Email setup wizard to let the users know that multiple recipients can be seperated by comma

  • Televerge
    Asked on December 4, 2014 at 7:00 PM
    I did discover that I can send the same notifier out to other email addresses just by separating them with a semi-colon. (maybe even a comma, I didn't try that yet).  Maybe a screen tip to let folks know about that would be helpful in the meantime. :-)
  • abajan
    Replied on December 4, 2014 at 8:24 PM

    Your suggestion is duly noted and I've submitted a ticket requesting it.


  • abajan
    Replied on December 4, 2014 at 8:29 PM

    By the way, it's actually commas which should be used to separate the email addresses, not semi-colons.