Calculation not working

  • thelittleyurtmeadow
    Asked on January 12, 2015 at 9:08 AM

    The calculation tool is not working correctly. The total is incorrect.

    Also, is there any way to show the total with a currency sign, e.g. £240.00




  • abajan
    Replied on January 12, 2015 at 10:53 AM


    Just to add a few recommendations

    1. Remove the "No Thank you" option from the Interested in any extras? field and then remove the 0.00 calculation value for that option:

    Calculation not working Image 1 Screenshot 30

    Why? Well, since users would be able to make multiple selects selections, you won't want situations where they selected an extra (or extras) and also selected No thank you!

    2. Uncheck Wait before input before including field in calculation:

    Calculation not working Image 2 Screenshot 41

    Otherwise, if a user doesn't select any extras, nothing but the pound sign (£) will be displayed in the total

    3. In case you're using an American Standard keyboard and are wondering how to type the pound sign, hold down the [Alt] key and hit the numbers 0, 1, 6, 3 and then release [Alt].


  • abajan
    Replied on January 12, 2015 at 10:59 AM

    I forgot to mention that if you want the empty decimal places (pence) to be shown, check Show empty decimal places. (See screenshot above.)

  • thelittleyurtmeadow
    Replied on January 12, 2015 at 1:55 PM

    Great help thank you! Should have realised with the 0 multiplication! 

    Only thing now is, the options are still giving out the wrong calculation. For instance, when I select 2 nights it brings back the price for 3 nights, when I select 3 nights it brings back the price for 4... even though I have inputted the figures in the right place.

    Can you possibly take another look and see where I'm going wrong?



  • thelittleyurtmeadow
    Replied on January 15, 2015 at 8:59 AM


    I'm having problems with the calculator again.

    I've added a new field, and the calculator won't include the value in the total.

    Can you take a look please?

