Files uploading to both JotForm and Dropbox?!

  • studiokmixing
    Asked on May 29, 2015 at 11:39 AM

    Hello all,

    Sorry if this has already been covered!

    I'm trying to setup a form which will enable users to upload a .zip file into my Dropbox account which is working sucessfully, however the file is also uploading to my JotForm account? I do not require this as it is using valuable space on my account! 

    Is there anyway to just upload to the Dropbox folder and NOT the JotForm account aswell?


    Thanks for any help!


  • Boris
    Replied on May 29, 2015 at 12:11 PM

    I am sorry, but this is not possible at the moment since we can't remove just a submitted file from our servers. To remove a submitted file, we would need to remove its entire associated submission as well.

    If removing entire submission is OK with your needs, you can set automatic deletion of your submissions from JotForm:

    This way, the submission and the file would be removed from JotForm, but you would still have submitted files in your DropBox account.

    Please let us know if you need further help or clarification regarding this, we will be happy to help.