Can I do calculation with dynamic fields, like Configurable List widget

  • shahabeddini
    Asked on June 4, 2015 at 5:13 AM
    Next Question:

    Can I do calculation with dynamic fields, like what we use in Configurable List widget?

  • Boris
    Replied on June 4, 2015 at 5:43 AM

    I am sorry, unfortunately you cannot perform calculations with dynamic fields, such as Configurable List or Infinite List widgets.

    Depending on your requirements, you may be interested in using our Spreadsheet widget, which allows using calculation functions on its cells. However, this widget is not a dynamically expanding widget.

    If you are interested about Form Calculations in general, I would advise you to take a quick look at our guide on How-to-perform-calculation-in-the-form

    Please let us know if you need further help.

  • shahabeddini
    Replied on June 4, 2015 at 5:46 AM

    Thanks Boris.