Redirect to different form conditional logic

  • adea
    Asked on November 11, 2015 at 10:48 AM

    When a person clicks 'I would like to make a recurring payment' on this page it will show the pledge frequency.  When someone chooses one of the radio buttons in the pledge frequency form, e.g. monthly, quarterly, etc. I want it to show another form (e.g.  These forms aren't linked or included on the original page.  So I am trying to see the best option to use. 

    1)      I can create a separate page for each of the frequency forms, e.g. (e.g. but I don’t know how to link to it.  I tried to use conditional logic on the option to skip to a page or end of form but I don’t see where it lets me put in a specific url for the page.  What am I missing? 


    2)      Is there a way to link to a different form or do I need to add the form onto the master form?

    3)      Is there a way to add an existing form onto an existing form without recreating the form?

    I hope this all makes sense.




    Jotform Thread 702555 Screenshot
  • BJoanna
    Replied on November 11, 2015 at 12:38 PM

    Thank you for contacting us.

    When your users submit first form you can redirect them to your second form. 

    You can achieve that by setting Custom URL Thank You page on your first form, that will redirect users to your second form upon submitting your first form.

    Inside of this guide you can find how to do it: 

    However is you want to redirect them to different form based on selection of your radio button option, then you will need to set conditional logic to Change Thank You URL after submission

    I have made demo form and set condition that if "Monthly recurring payments" option is selected after submitting, you will be redirected to your payment form.

    Redirect to different form conditional logic Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Here is my demo form:

    Hope this will help. Let us know if you need further assistance.

  • abajan
    Replied on November 11, 2015 at 2:25 PM

    Hi again Carolyn,

    In case you wanted the user to go to the second form without first submitting the first, this can also be done. Interestingly enough, just recently another user asked about this very functionality, albeit with the selections made in a drop down field instead of a radio button one. However, regardless of the field type used, the solution would the same: embed each of the linked forms in a hidden iFrame and create a condition to have the relevant iFrame shown depending on which choice is selected. That's what I did in this clone of your main form whose iFrames contain clones of your recurring pledge forms.

    If you need more info on this method or my colleague's, just let us know.
