Number of payment submissions per subscription plan

  • WAzzuOR
    Fecha de consulta 2 de diciembre de 2016, 10:06

    Got an email saying the free level I can only get 10 payments per month.  Your pricing chart shows nothing about this so how do I know what level I should update to.

  • Boris
    Fecha de respuesta 2 de diciembre de 2016, 11:17

    You can see the amount of payment submissions on our pricing page:

    Please see the following screenshot of where these details are listed:

    Number of payment submissions per subscription plan Image 1 Screenshot 20

    For all paid plans, the number of payment submissions matches the number of submissions you can receive. This means that a Bronze plan can receive up to 1.000 payment submissions each month.

    On a free plan, however, you can receive only up to 10 payments.

    Please see our pricing page for more details on the limits of each subscription plan, and let us know should you need further clarifications or assistance.