How can I create a password and login form with security

  • honorad
    Perguntado em 9 de dezembro de 2016 às 12:09

    I am doing a project for college and I need to make an login and password form with security.

  • David Jotform Support
    Respondido em 9 de dezembro de 2016 às 13:30

    Unfortunately it is not possible to create login forms on Jotform. This is considered phishing and results in the suspension of the account and removal of the guilty fields. You can see our terms for more details:  

    But if you need a basic solution to hide the form from the general public, you can try a simple workaround.

    Add a text-box field. Please do not use keywords as password/security code as this can activate our phishing filter and cause the temporary suspension of your account.

    Add 2 form collapses: one before all the form content and other before the submit button. Define them as hidden and with open status:

    How can I create a password and login form with security Image 1 Screenshot 30

    Now add a condition that if this field is equal to a specific word then show "form collapse name":

    How can I create a password and login form with security Image 2 Screenshot 41

    This is not a password and it offers very little protection as this code can be seen on the form's source code, but it can help avoiding spammers.

    You can test and clone the demo form, the code is "mycode":