Delay show of Submit button by 15 minutes

  • biancatbeck
    Asked on December 27, 2016 at 12:11 PM

    I know this probably requires calculation but I can't seem to get it right in the Form Calculator.  When the Time Start is created at Current I need the Submit button to show up 15 minutes later.

  • Charlie
    Replied on December 27, 2016 at 12:31 PM

    Unfortunately, I believe this is not possible as of now.

    We do have a couple of widgets that allows you to add a timer or countdown on your form. You can check the following: 


    But they cannot set a delay on the submit button to when it should display. The conditional logic will not work because it cannot track the continuous flow of time. You can see that even though you set the default date or time to "Current", it will only get the timestamp as to when the form was opened. It will not continuously run the time.

    Another possible way to do this is by using a custom Javascript script that should hide/display based on time, but that would be quite complicated and you might need to hire a programmer/developer if you are not familiar with it. The custom Javascript function should then be inserted to your form's full source code. This means you need to embed the full source code on a web page if you want to use it with a custom script.

    I hope that helps.