How can I close the popup form with link or button?

  • ettyketty
    Asked on January 12, 2017 at 4:52 AM


    i'd like to place a link or a button just to close the popup window, except of existing X button.



  • candy
    Replied on January 12, 2017 at 6:45 AM


    You can not do it inside the Form Builder as you are not allowed to embed HTML codes into any field because of security reasons. However, you can do it inside your website's codes.

    You need to add the following additional codes into your website and call it from a button or link inside a window in order to close it: 

    <input type="button" value="CloseTheWindow" onclick="closeWindow();"/>

    <script type="javascript">

            function closeWindow() {




    Please try and if you need further clarification, let us know. 

    Also, be notify about that, this way may not work in some browsers.
