Change width of "E-Book - The True Cost Of Translation" form.

  • davidiwl
    Asked on February 8, 2017 at 6:07 PM

    Our form's maximum width (252px) is exceeding that limit on our landing page:

    I'm also seeing between the field labels that I'm getting more than 6 pixels of vertical space between them and I'd only like to see 6 max. 

    Any idea how I can fix this? 




  • Chriistian Jotform Support
    Replied on February 8, 2017 at 9:25 PM

    I see that you set the width of the form to 252 but the width of the form on your website is over 300. This may be due to the form adapting to the width of the div element that encloses it (which is also over 300). You can inject the custom CSS code below to make sure that the form width stays at 252 even if the element that encloses it has a bigger width.

    .jotform-form {

        width: 252px!important;


    You can also reduce the vertical space by removing the margin on the labels using the code below:

    .form-label {

        margin-bottom: 0px;



    Here's how it should look:

    Change width of E Book   The True Cost Of Translation form Screenshot 20

    Alternatively, you can also choose to reduce the question spacing from the Styles tab of the Form Designer.