How can I allow my staff to access the IOS app and just have access to the forms?

  • EHSSecurity
    Asked on February 9, 2017 at 10:51 AM

    To provide the app to my staff to complete forms, It appears I would have to provide them with the username and password to the account. If I do that, they will have access to all the functionality of the program, ie. delete files, edit forms information, etc. I just want them to open the app and fill out the forms without any other access or rights. Is this possible?

    We have been using the program for a year and love it, but, this is our frist attempt as using the App.


  • Support_Management Jotform Support
    Replied on February 9, 2017 at 12:23 PM

    I'm seeing my colleague already replied to your first and original post here If you have something to add or have a followup question, just click that link to open your thread and reply from there.