Pages background colours

  • benscore
    Asked on February 20, 2017 at 2:38 AM
    My current form is - Medicaid - BEN Financial Stress Scoring Index - Copyright © Mybank Systems Australia - Archived


    Today I made simple change to a form field. Once I saved the form ... it automatically defaulted to a grey color background through out the entire form (18 pages). It was originally white background which looked good - now with the grey background as default looks terrible.

    Please advise as to how I can change the background color back to white? I am using Jotform V 4.


    Thanks John Ferretti

    Paid subscriber 

  • Charlie
    Replied on February 20, 2017 at 4:26 AM

    I presume there's a theme applied on your form? It seems like that theme overwrites the previous background that you have. Here's how you can fix it:

    1. First, open your Form Designer.

    Pages background colours Image 1 Screenshot 60


    2. Then click the "Advanced CSS Editor" or "Advanced Designer".

    Pages background colours Image 2 Screenshot 71


    3. Now make sure you are on the CSS tab, just edit something, we just want the formatting to correct itself. Sample, edit the property "background-color" and change the value to "white".

    Pages background colours Image 3 Screenshot 82


    4. Now save the changes and exit the designer. 

    5. After that, make sure that the changes are saved in the form builder. Now repeat steps 1 and 2, you should be able to see the CSS code formatted better. If so, edit the properties under the .form-all selector. Below are the highlighted ones that needs to be in your CSS code:

    Pages background colours Image 4 Screenshot 93


    6. Save the changes and preview your form. This is how it looks like after the change:

    Pages background colours Image 5 Screenshot 104


    I hope that helps. 

  • benscore
    Replied on February 22, 2017 at 10:46 AM
    Thanks that worked really well!
