Default Radio Button inside configurable list? CSS?

  • TycenDemolitions
    Asked on March 14, 2017 at 12:21 AM


    Can i use CSS to select a default radio button inside a configurable list?

    I use conditional logic to hide the submit button unless employees agree to the terms.

    I would like to select 'I do not agree' to terms by default so that employees have to select I agree to display the submit button.

  • Chriistian Jotform Support
    Replied on March 14, 2017 at 2:58 AM

    I'm afraid to say that the Radio button inside the configurable list can't be configured to be select a default. It only works for dropdown field inside the Configurable list widget.

    Default Radio Button inside configurable list? CSS? Image 1 Screenshot 40

    However, if you want the "I do not agree" option to be selected by default in the Radio button, you can add a regular Radio button field instead.

    Default Radio Button inside configurable list? CSS? Image 2 Screenshot 51

    Default Radio Button inside configurable list? CSS? Image 3 Screenshot 62

    Here's my demo form:
