Advanced IF Conditions using NESTED IF, GROUPING CONDITIONS and Condtional Dropdown

  • aipp
    Asked on April 7, 2017 at 6:27 AM

    Hi my favorite support team :D


    I am posting this question just trying to figure out if Jotform has any plans to upgrade the power of their conditions to include few things.


    I use Jotform for almost everything and now our company started needing our forms to be way smarter than they are which means the power that conditions has should be stronger. The first and most important thing that I hope Jotform developers are working on is nested IFs which at the moment you guys dont have. an example is in the picture below


    Advanced IF Conditions using NESTED IF, GROUPING CONDITIONS and Condtional Dropdown Image 1 Screenshot 20


    At the moment those nested conditions can be done inside of Jotform by creating multiple conditions which very time consuming and can lead to complications.


    The 2nd thing that I have asked before was the ability to put my conditions into groups. customer service told me that you can filter by field. the problem with that is. for example I have FIELD1 that has multiple conditions that lead to different products. So with grouping ability I can make a group for PRODUCT1 conditions and a group for PRODUCT2 conditions, and both groups have FIELD1 in them. that way if I create very complicated forms and want to go back and make changes its much easier (and yes the forms I use and quite complicated).


    The 3rd thing is the ability to change a drop down choices depending on conditions


    For example     dropDown1 =  fullIndustryList, industryGroup1, industryGroup2

                           dropDown2 = industry1, industry2, industry3, industry4


                 dropDown1 IS industryGroup1   


                 dropDown2 = industry1, industry3


    I know that in order to achieve that at the moment I need different drop downs that show and hide depending on choice. but trust me its too much work.


    Anyway I know I am just asking for a lot. But my hope is to see Jotforms become so powerful that companies no longer need to write their own code to make their forms smart.

    If you want to know how I am making my forms I will include a link to one of the forms I am currently using.

    Oh and if you guys are Hiring let me know :D

    Thanks again,




  • Ian
    Replied on April 7, 2017 at 7:45 AM

    Thank you for contacting us and sharing your awesome ideas.

    JotForm does not have these features as of now. However you must be aware that with little work arounds we can achieve the desired results that you mentioned through "Nested IF", "Grouping Conditions".

    Just so you know "Conditional Drop Down Choices" can be created using DYNAMIC DROPDOWN WIDGET.

    However, I am escalating this request to our developers. If this feature request is applicable, we will be informing you via this thread.