Configurable Lists: Changing the Value of Static Text in New Rows

  • kjasinski
    Asked on April 11, 2017 at 2:46 AM


    I am having an issue with trying to get the form submissions to recognize the custom content fields I have used to replace static text within new rows.

    My goal is to create a configurable list that has different static text labels for each row. To be more specific, I have been working on creating a form that asks users which vaccinations they have had and which date they received them. Here is what my form looks like so far:

    Configurable Lists: Changing the Value of Static Text in New Rows Image 1 Screenshot 30

    I am happy with the layout of the form, but my issue is with the submissions. I did a test of the form to see if the fields were working as expected and was surprised to see that rows were all reporting the original label ("Influenza (flu)") instead of the content I placed in the css code for the widget (e.g. "Hepatitis A," "Polio," etc.). Here's what the submission looks like:

    Configurable Lists: Changing the Value of Static Text in New Rows Image 2 Screenshot 41

    I would be very grateful if you could help me resolve the issue with the vaccine labels. I do not know how difficult this might be, so I will provide more information below just in case.

    To begin figuring the CSS out, I researched the forums and added the CSS code used to resolve a similar question which can be found here:

    Thank you very much for your help and time!


    What I have in "Fields Configuration" within the settings on the Configurable List:

    Vaccine : static : Influenza (flu)
    Yes : checkbox
    No : checkbox
    Not Sure : checkbox
    Date Received : date : m/d/y : 1900-2018

    Here is the Custom CSS I am using in this configurable list (I have cut out the amount of vaccine labels since it is redundant):

    .col1 {

    margin: 3px 0;

    padding: 5px;

    min-width: 150px;



    .col2 {

    margin: 3px 0;

    padding: 5px;



    .col3 {

    margin: 3px 0;

    padding: 5px;



    .col4 {

    margin: 3px 0;

    padding: 5px;



    .col5 {

    margin: 3px 0;

    padding: 5px;



    tr+tr+tr >:first-child {

    visibility: hidden;



    tr+tr+tr >:first-child :after {

    visibility: visible;

    static.text: "Hepatitis A";

    content: "Hepatitis A";

    margin-left: -100px;




    tr+tr+tr+tr >:first-child :after {

    visibility: visible;

    content: "Hepatitis B";

    margin-left: -100px;




    tr+tr+tr+tr+tr >:first-child :after {

    visibility: visible;

    content: "Meningococcal Meningitis";

    margin-left: -100px;




    tr+tr+tr+tr+tr+tr >:first-child :after {

    visibility: visible;

    content: "MMR (Measles-Mumps-Rubella)";

    margin-left: -100px;





    Jotform Thread 1116220 Screenshot
  • Ian
    Replied on April 11, 2017 at 3:55 AM

    I am not sure, if this is achievable through Configurable list

    I am still looking for best suited option and will consult other colleagues.

    For now, I feel you need to have individual fields to collect the data.

    I will get back to you again after some more investigation.

  • Ian
    Replied on April 11, 2017 at 4:52 AM

    After discussing with my colleague, I confirm that the configurable list will only create the same label of fields for every row. You need to collect individual fields to collect the data