Allow customization of the new JotForm Footer

  • MVReachOut
    Asked on May 31, 2017 at 9:04 AM


    I realise you need to purchase to be able to remove branding. However the branding has gone from a small text saying 'Powered by Jotforms' to an enormous block that makes the forms pretty impossible to embed in a website and link to other forms as I had planned. Is there any way to get back to how it was?

    It actually covers up some options in the form and also obscures the submit button if the person selects 'direct deposit'. The website isn't published yet but you can access it as a visitor to see what I mean. The form is on the 'donate' page:



  • Kevin Support Team Lead
    Replied on May 31, 2017 at 11:55 AM

    Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused to you. 

    I have reviewed your website and noticed you have embedded your form here 

    Upon navigating through the form I can see it works fine, the submit button shows properly even on the embedded form in the main one. We had recently an issue related to the JotForm branding; however, this was already fixed by our developers.

    Could you please check on your website again? 

    If you still can see the branding overlapping the submit button or some fields, please share us a screenshot about it, this guide will help you doing it: How-to-add-screenshots-images-to-questions-in-support-forum

    We will wait for your response. 


  • MVReachOut
    Replied on May 31, 2017 at 5:43 PM
    Thanks for your fast response!
    The form is usable now but still very ugly. Bright green clashes with my forms - and when the embedded ones are being used, two of them show. Just wanting to lodge that I'm very unhappy with this change, particularly when one works hard to design an attractive form/website. I notice many of your other customers have also expressed this - would be great if you could go back to just the written text - just like, for example, Squarespace do, or at least give the option to customise the colours as Mailchimp do.
    Thanks again,
    Sent from my iPhone
  • Support_Management Jotform Support
    Replied on May 31, 2017 at 7:13 PM

    Hello Jenni - I understand where you're coming from as a user. The dark background and green button don't match the overall look and feel of your website.

    Your idea of having an option to edit the appearance of the footer, at the very least, seems like a good suggestion.

    So, I've elevated your feedback as a feature request. Please keep in mind that there's no assurance whether this will be implemented. It will highly depend on the amount of similar requests we get, along with the workload of our Developers.

    We can't give you any timeframe but we'll keep you apprised on this same thread when there's an update.