How can I get people to choose currency for donation?

  • sharp8989
    Asked on June 28, 2017 at 4:26 AM

    Hello, i'm about to host a global event with participants in cities all over the world and I'm making it an open donation for those who wish to contribute. How do I make it possible for my Stripe donation to accept different currencies? At the moment I have to set 1 currency and 1 currency only. There is something impersonal about needing to donate to an organisation in only 1 currency. 

    Any help with this would be much appreciated,


    Peter Sharp



  • liyam
    Replied on June 28, 2017 at 4:56 AM

    Hello Peter,

    Unfortunately, this is not possible. However, for payment gateways, it would normally receive payments and donations based on the setting on the account. As for those who are paying, their card issuing bank should be able to handle currencies based on the setting of the receiving payment gateway.

    So as a scenario, what will happen is that upon payment of the payor, his billing shall show a conversion rate from his currency to yours based on the amount that he paid under the currency that you have set.
