How long does it take the Auto Responder to send?

  • KimberlyColeOnline
    Asked on July 25, 2017 at 7:01 PM

    I created an auto responder.  I am just wondering how long it takes for it to arrive in recipients inbox.


    Thank you


  • jonathan
    Replied on July 25, 2017 at 11:49 PM


    The confirmation email should be there in just a couple of minutes. But I reviewed your form and I found an issue in the Autoresponder Email settings.

    The Recipient Email was assigned to non email field (Full Name). This means that it will not be able to  send the confirmation email to the intended recipient/s.

    How long does it take the Auto Responder to send? Image 1 Screenshot 20


    Please correct it and assign the Email field instead. Save and then you can test again.

    Let us know if issue persist.