Product quantity and size data not passing to Google Spreadsheet

  • adherestramit
    Asked on August 1, 2017 at 12:34 AM

    I have created and published a form and set up an integration with a Google spreadsheet.  The form contains product order information including options for quantity and size.  All of the data is passing through to a Google spreadsheet except the quantity and size information which kind of makes the execize null and void.  Also the order total is coming over as $0.00

    Are there special settings required for option data and totals?

    Also, is it possible to get each product in its own column?

    Jotform Thread 1212526 Screenshot
  • Nik_C
    Replied on August 1, 2017 at 4:26 AM

    I cloned and tested your form and I was able to replicate this issue on my end. But when tested on clean form with just purchase order I wasn't so please allow me some time to see what is causing this issue on your form.

    I'll get back to you once I have more information.

    Thank you!

  • adherestramit
    Replied on August 1, 2017 at 6:06 AM

    Thanks Nik.  I realised after the post that the values are not saving at all so any help would be great.

  • Ashwin JotForm Support
    Replied on August 1, 2017 at 9:22 AM

    Hello adherestramit,

    Do you mean to say that the submission data of your form is not being sent to your integrated google spreadsheet?

    Did you make any changes in any of the column header of your integrated google spreadsheet? Please note that editing column header will cause the integration to break. I have synced your google spreadsheet again. I would suggest you to please check your google spreadsheet and see if the missing submissions are being displayed or not.

    We will wait for your response.

    Thank you!

  • Nik_C
    Replied on August 1, 2017 at 10:49 AM

    Thank you for your patience.

    I was unable to fix find the cause of this problem, but I was able to fix it.

    Here is what I did:

    1) Remove your products:

    Product quantity and size data not passing to Google Spreadsheet Image 1 Screenshot 40

    And don't worry when you add the Purchase order back to the form the products will be there.

    2) Now, I removed the Spreadsheet integration as well, but first, try adding the Purchase order back to the form and submitting the form:

    Product quantity and size data not passing to Google Spreadsheet Image 2 Screenshot 51

    If that doesn't work, then please try removing the Spreadsheet integration (go to step 3).

    3) Go to integrations and click remove integration:

    Product quantity and size data not passing to Google Spreadsheet Image 3 Screenshot 62

    Please be noted that this will create new, separate Spreadsheet file.

    Let us know how this worked.

    Thank you!