When will the current sale price ends?

  • blankmobi
    Asked on December 6, 2017 at 4:01 PM

    Спасибо, теперь у нас правильный тариф bronse. Могу ли я узнать, когда он оканчивается и могу ли я продлить его за 50%?

    Могу ли я менять тариф, если он оплачен на год, в сторону понижения ?

    Spasibo, teper' u nas pravil'nyy tarif bronse. Mogu li ya uznat', kogda on okanchivayetsya i mogu li ya prodlit' yego za 50%? Mogu li ya menyat' tarif, yesli on oplachen na god, v storonu ponizheniya ?

    Thank you, now we have the correct rate of bronse. Can I find out when it ends and can I extend it for 50%? Can I change the tariff if it is paid for a year, downward?

  • Welvin Support Team Lead
    Replied on December 6, 2017 at 6:43 PM

    You are subscribed to our Bronze Monthly plan. As what my colleague has mentioned in your other thread, the subscription will renew on Jan 06, 2018.

    If you would like to subscribe to our discounted Bronze Yearly plan, you will need to cancel your current monthly subscription. Otherwise, you will only have the option to upgrade to the discounted Silver plan.