Help! Copy-paste is pasting the wrong cells!

  • avmontessori
    Asked on April 16, 2024 at 12:52 AM

    When I copy cells from my Jotform data, a DIFFERENT set of cells gets pasted into my other document. This happens both with copying and pasting into Google sheets, as well as pasting an email address list into Gmail. What is going on??? I was emailing the wrong people before I realized!!

  • Sheena JotForm Support
    Replied on April 16, 2024 at 5:09 AM

    Hello Kristina,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I have tested the issue you described, but I cannot replicate it on my end. Here's a screencast of my result:

    Help! Copy paste is pasting the wrong cells! Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Does this happen to a specific form? Can you please share the form URL so we can check it from our end? Could you please clear your browser's cache and see if this fixes the issue? If the issue persists, could you please provide us with a screen record of how the issue is occurring? You can utilize a free screencast service like or the like and send us a link to the video for further clarity.

    Keep us updated and let us know if you need any more help.