How can I make a total be non-editable?

  • Declynam
    Fecha de consulta 20 de marzo de 2018, 6:09


    I have a  form which calculates a total from a drop-down above. Is it possible to make this total non-editable to the user?



  • John_Benson
    Fecha de respuesta 20 de marzo de 2018, 9:52

     Here's a guide on how to make the Form Calculation a read-only:

    1. Open the form in Form Builder.

    2. Select the Form Calculation widget.

    3. In the Form Calculation wizard, click the "..." button.

    1521509990Calcu 01 Screenshot 10

    4. Go to the Options tab and check the "Result field is read-only"

    1521510053Calcu 02 Screenshot 21

    5. After that, click the Back button and Save the Form Calculation when you're done.