I would like people to add data when the select the option 'other'

  • GH_Ulma
    Asked on May 4, 2018 at 3:33 AM

    In a selection list, people get the option other, but I would like them to specify that answer. How can I make that field fillable in a form?

  • Scott JotForm Developer
    Replied on May 4, 2018 at 7:02 AM

    For the SINGLE and MULTIPLE CHOICE fields, this is the case, where the user types in their OTHER option:

    1525431484other Screenshot 10

    BUT if you want to achieve this on a DROPDOWN field, you can use a hidden SHORT TEXT ENTRY field and condition it to SHOW only when the OTHER option is selected on the dropdown list.

    Here is how will the condition look:

    1525431594Screen Shot 2018 05 04 at 13 Screenshot 21

    And it will function as:

    1525431620other2 Screenshot 32

    Related user guides:

    How to Show or Hide Fields Base on User's Answer

    Smart Forms Using Conditional Logic

    How to Hide Form Fields

  • roneet
    Replied on May 4, 2018 at 7:14 AM

    Adding to Scott answer, I have made a sample Jotform so that you can clone it for your use.
