How to put a video background and transition

  • corporatevents
    Asked on July 6, 2018 at 9:59 AM

    Dear Jotform Team,

    There is two way to create a form : 1° the usual one and 2° the "one question / page" model.

    I recently discover the "one question / page" model and I was very enthusiastic but you do not have a lot of control on the size of the page, if you want more than one question per page, the css, etc. . So I decide to build the same "one question / page" but with the usual model (with the usage of the page break and the navigation button next, back,...

     My question : How can I put a background video, like the one you did in the one question/page model.

    I put and example of your background here :

    My objectif is to put that in this kind of usual form :

    My second question : how can I put a transition effect between two pages in form

    (a slide on the left for example)

    Thanks in advance
