How to create a dynamic list of fields?

    Asked on July 9, 2018 at 3:22 PM


    I'm building a form called, RMA Request Form. I'm using a widget, which allows the user to enter product information,

    Purchase Date

    Invoice #

    Serial Number



    Reason for Return

    I am looking for a way to let the user Add new product information sections as needed (maybe they're returning 3 products, 4, 10?). Is there a way for the user to click on a button and have a new product information section populate to the form? Also, once a product information section is in the form, how do I make it so all fields of said product information section are mandatory?

    Thank you kindly.

    Replied on July 9, 2018 at 4:38 PM

    Good afternoon,

    This is an EXCELLENT response, Benny_W. Thank you very much for providing such a detailed response to my question.

    I will review and provide an update to this thread.

    Thank you very much, Sir.


    *** UPDATED

    So, I decided to go with the Configurable List, because I thought it was best from a UI/UX perspective. The widget and form overall seem to be working perfectly.

    Thanks again.

    Replied on July 10, 2018 at 11:08 AM

    Just wondering, in the form that is filled out and submitted by a user, how do I ensure I can see all the information entered in the form?

    What I mean is, I think in the e-mail being sent to me once a form is submitted, the e-mail doesn't include certain information. For example, I don't think it includes things like invoice number as a form field.

    Is there a way to review the entire form that's been filled out and submitted, and then forward that to a colleague of mine?

    Thank you.