How to disable the next button in card forms?

  • Voitel
    Asked on May 28, 2019 at 2:21 PM


    Estou criando um formulário que para cada resposta existe um resultado.

    Como fazer com que a página do resultado seja a última? Como fazer para excluir o botão "Next/Próximo" dessas páginas?

    Jotform Thread 1838679 Screenshot
  • jherwin
    Replied on May 28, 2019 at 3:37 PM

    Your form is still in the second field which is why the next button is showing. If you want to make the result page the last card/field then you need to hide all the pages after the result page.

    For example on your screenshot:

    The result page is the second form of the card or the second field. Now, if you want to disable the next button for that field then you need to hide pages 3-19.

    Guide: How-to-Show-or-Hide-Fields-Base-on-User-s-Answer