The pages of the PDF file from the old PDF editor are mixed up or not in order

  • AdmissionsOfficeVA
    Asked on May 29, 2019 at 9:45 AM


    We created the application with about 10 pages, however, when we download and print out as PDF all pages get mixed. For example, page 3 begins at the end of page 2 and so on. You can see it from the screenshot below. I-20 request should begin under the page bridge (as a new page) but it begins at the end of the previous page.1559137433Sample PDF Screenshot 10 from the screenshot below.

    Jotform Thread 1839638 Screenshot
  • Welvin Support Team Lead
    Replied on May 29, 2019 at 11:51 AM

    Hi @AdmissionsOfficeVA,

    Our apologies for the inconvenience.

    The attached screenshot is taken from the old PDF editor. However, you are currently on the new PDF editor upon checking. You seem to have switched to the new PDF editor. If you want to move back to the old PDF editor, you will have to it on your end or permit us to do it for you so we can check the problem and help you sort it out. 

    In the new PDF editor, your current PDF Document is not formatted correctly. There is a blank area on the first page, and you will have to adjust that before downloading the PDF file. You may also consider creating a new PDF editor to refresh the current PDF layout and include everything. 

    I look forward to your reply.