Person who fills the form receives an automatic email of the details he has provided

  • dexterslaboratory
    Asked on June 24, 2019 at 8:29 AM

    How to do that? Person who fills the form receives an automatic email of the details he has provided

  • gozdeakinci Jotform Support
    Replied on June 24, 2019 at 9:32 AM

    If you want the submitters to get a copy of the data they have submitted on your form, then you will need to set up an Autoresponder Email. Here are the related steps.

    1- Click SETTINGS at the top of the Form Builder.

    2- Next, click EMAILS on the left nav.

    3- Click the + icon.

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    4-Then, select AUTORESPONDER EMAIL.

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    Each section is separated by tabs:

    EMAIL Tab:

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    1. Click the EMAIL tab to view it.

    2. You can click the PENCIL icon and edit the name of the Autoresponder email.

    3. You can input text here that will be used as the email's subject line. 

    4. FORM FIELDS will give you the correct field tag specific to its related form field. An example would be, the field tag for the default name field, which is {name}.

    5. This is the main body of the email template, you can edit, format, or style it as you like.


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    This allows you to set the sender name, reply-to email address, and set the recipient email field for where you want to send the Autoresponder.


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    1. You can check the SEND ON EDIT option if you want the Autoresponder to be sent when the submission is edited.

    2. You can send the submission as a PDF ATTACHMENT.

    3. You can ATTACH A FILE.

    4. You can SEND EMAILS LATER.

    5. You can HIDE EMPTY FIELDS.

    6. Setup the SENDER EMAIL. Please note that it is strongly recommended to keep as the Sender Email because this helps to ensure that the Autoresponder is not identified by the recipient's email provider as spam.

    7. Keep the UPDATE EMAIL toggled to YES. While this option is disabled, changes on the form will not affect the email content, so it won't auto-update.

    If you require further assistance feel free to let us know.