QR Codes

  • Paul Doyle
    Asked on July 1, 2019 at 2:27 AM


    I would like to build a form where on a weekly bases a member of staff can complete a health a Saftey Check by scanning a QR code or barcod to confirm that’s it’s been done and a automatic date and time will be stamped. 

    Could you let let me know how I would do this? 

    Also can forms be mafe jnto a app? 

  • Nik_C
    Replied on July 1, 2019 at 6:02 AM

    For QR codes we have a way to insert a QR code into the form:





    And you can read QR code:


    Hope it would work for you.

    Regarding your last question, our forms are web-based applications. So you open it in the browser on any device.

    We also have Mobile forms application:



    But that's for you, as form(s) owner to be able to do it all on your mobile device.

    Thank you.